• Team

    We are Team Formula Student KPI - students of different faculties and courses, but we have a common goal - the creation of a race car. New acquaintances and valuable work experience in various fields of activity will allow the university to become an engineer. Join up!

  • Office

    The project is based on the Department of Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies of the Mechanical Engineering-Institute. Our offices and workshops are located on the territory of the KPI, which is very convenient for students.

  • Competitions

    Since 2014 the project's existence, our team has participated in international competitions in the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands.

  • Events

    Formula Student KPI is an active participant in exhibitions and events, including: Kyiv Mini Maker Faire, Old Car Land, Sikorsky Challenge, International Industrial Forum and others.

Race cars

The result of the annual team work is the Formula SAE race car.

Formula SAE <br>  Competitions

Formula SAE

Formula SAE-це студентські інженерні змагання, організовані Співтовариством Автомобільних 1нженерів (Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE) Перші змагання відбулися в 1978 році і спочатку називалися SAE Mini Indy.

За задумом змагань команда студентів ε інженерною групою, яка має розробити, побудувати, випробувати прототип автомобіля формульного класу для ринку непрофесійних гоночних автомобілів. Автомобіль повинен бути побудований згідно зі спеціальними Правилами-регламеном.

Мета проекту: підготовка конкурентно-здатних, висококваліфікованих спеціалістів.
  • > 800


  • > 1 000


  • > 11 000


Щиро дякуємо за підтримку у сезоні!

Latest news

  • Winner Group Ukraine

    Friends! We are glad to inform you that the Team Formula Student KPI now has the title sponsor Winner Group Ukraine! Thank you for your trust and support.

  • Municipal Museum of the KPI

    Our small photo report to the Municipal Museum of the KPI. We are very pleased to be guests at such events. We are grateful to the State Polytechnic Museum for the cooperation and support of the team!

  • Open Doors Day at KPI Science Fest

    Team Formula Student KPI on the Open Doors Day at KPI Science Fest. We presented to the visitors the first car. Young enthusiasts were interested in the technical characteristics of the car, the competition Formula Student and the team.

Our contacts

We are always open for your suggestions.